Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Virtual Mysore – Is there any point?

The Covid19 virus and the measures Governments are taking to address the pandemic have completely changed the structure of a Ashtanga Yoga class.  Not only are physical adjustments not possible, the teacher and students can’t even be in the same room!  How can classes continue?

The answer is Virtual classes.  I had to set up an entirely different system – pick the software and supporting technology, develop the administrative processes, then figure how to best conduct the classes.
It works!!  The Led classes are more popular as students are used to getting on their mats and following the teacher’s cues.  Mysore classes on the other hand require an entirely different mindset.  I was skeptical in the beginning.  Why would someone want to attend a Mysore class when he/she can just get on the mat at home and do a self-practice.? What’s the point of attending a Virtual Mysore class when you’re essentially on your own anyway?

After conducting my first Virtual Mysore class however, any doubts of ‘Is there any point’ went away.
There are many reasons to attend a Virtual Mysore class.  In fact there are benefits (which you wouldn’t get in a physical Mysore class) that lead to the ultimate goal of deepening your own practice (physical, mental and spiritual).
The best way to illustrate this is to tell you in my students’ words.
I asked them to jot down 2 or 3 reasons why they attend a Virtual Mysore class versus doing a self practice.

I have grouped their answers into 4 categories:
  • Developing the Discipline of a Home practice
  • Better Focus and Self-Awareness
  • Better Control over One’s Body
  • Cannot Cheat!
  • Group Energy & Community Spirit

Developing the Discipline of a Home Practice
  • Virtual Mysore is motivation to practise, for lazybones like me who cannot self practise 😆
  • Logging in at a fixed time/day makes it easier to keep a routine going.
  • Seeing that I can repeatedly get through my whole practice at home is changing my expectation that home practice will be a ‘second class’ version of my usual practice.  
  • Of course would prefer physical adjustments but in troubled times like this, verbal adjustment is better than none. 
  • Commitment. Even though I resented home practice so so much, I now force myself to get on my mat. Plus virtual cues and virtual company are way better than none at all.
    I am now starting to enjoy the virtual classes.
    At Sharath's 2016 Bali conference, he said, "First, make it a commitment. Then it becomes a habit and it becomes your life”.

Cannot Cheat!
  • It is more difficult to “cheat” during virtual mysore because there is a pair of keen eyes constantly watching. ;P
  • I’s good because I’m usually too lazy to finish the full sequence on my own. 
  •  I go through most of the primary series on non-Virtual Mysore days, but there's always the (tempting) notion to skip some poses. That tends not to happen when I'm doing Virtual Mysore.
  • I put less effort into finishing poses during self practice.   In a virtual class; I have to do them.
  • Virtual Mysore is better than not practising at all. To stay connected to my teacher (at the very least virtually) will make me complete my full practice, otherwise I will use busyness as an excuse to cut short my practice or not do it at all.
    I am not a hardcore/ disciplined student but still want to practise as regularly as I can.

Better Focus and Self-Awareness
  • Gives me Focus - knowing that the teacher is there and others are practicing too.
  • Verbal cues and encouragements from the teacher (as well as the chance to ask questions) give me things to focus on when I’m practicing by myself.
  • I am more aware of my practice/poses in Virtual Mysore than in self practice.
  • Helps establish a deeper practice with someone watching you.
  • I appreciate the convenience of not having to travel to the shala and back after.
    I think it translates into greater mental placidness during the practice.

Better Control over One’s Body
  • With verbal adjustments, I am more empowered by tuning in more to what my body is doing.
  • Break out of the pattern of being dependent on physical adjustments.  The teacher tells me specifically what to look out for and 'verbally adjusts' me
  • While Virtual Mysore doesn’t allow for physical adjustments, I think there shouldn’t be an over-reliance on them in the first place. Verbal cues work equally well. For me personally, half the time it’s also about that Eureka/Self-discovery moment. 
  • With the teacher’s instructions, I learned to use my own body to go deeper in certain poses.  I needed to use my Breath.  In class I let the teacher adjust me into it versus trying more on my own.
  • Getting verbal cues makes me 'work harder' and leads to a deeper self-discovery of my body.  With no physical adjustments, I have to move/engage all/certain parts of my body in order to experience the full asana without hurting myself. On good days I get the cues and am able to feel the pull/stretch/lift (especially shoulders and bandhas).
    On other days I don’t get them.  That gets me thinking, what has my body done previously that it is not doing now? Experimenting with my body in different asanas is fun!

Group Energy & Community Spirit
  • Shared, collective energy.
  • In the current circumstance, it's also the closest we get to a sense of community.
  • Teacher’s watchful eye and motivation. That extra boost of energy at the end, or word of encouragement means so much.
  • Covid19 will be around for a Long while. Going to a shala isn’t just about the teacher’s guidance. It’s also about the energy of practising in a community.  So, practising together, even virtually, will continue to keep the spirit going.

Just as we are at different stages in the Ashtanga sequence, everyone is also at a different stage of our yoga journey.  Some have no home practice whilst others practice 6 days a week.  Regardless, I am sure that more than 1 of the points above have resonated with you.

I would like to thank all my students for being part of my community; for all your support in the past and especially now.  I feel bad that I can’t physically help you in asanas that you struggle with.  However, when I see how focused & present you are, how you adjust immediately when I give you a cue and that you really understand what you are trying to do in an asana (I can actually see it in your bodies), my heart swells with pride.

Change is the only constant in our lives.  Covid19 has turned our lives upside down but I know that our yoga practice will keep us grounded and/or sane.  As my student told me,
"Working from home leads to an extension of working hours; the line between work and home is blurred! The act of ‘going to’ class tears me away from work. If I don’t have the virtual class, I may end up working overtime every single day!"

For many of you, Virtual Mysore classes will transform your Ashtanga practice, taking it to new heights (or depths) which you would not have imagined and making it truly your own.

See you on the mat!

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